Bebetta Memorial uses the Hill – Room Affinity Labor bed.

•Women of childbearing age can undergo labor with comfort.

Interesting Features include;

  1. Back Section Lumbar Mattress Controls.

  2. Bed Up/Bed down controls.

  3. Foot Up/Foot down controls.

  4. Head Up/Head down controls and other useful features.

  5. Headboard with built in handles aid in steering control and increase mobility.

  6. Ergonomically correct labor grips comfortably accommodates patients of all sizes.

  7. The handles are covered with a non-porous, fluid resistant foam that is comfortable for the mother to squeeze.

  8. Two siderails , one located on each side of the bed.

Delivery Bed/Labor bed with head board down, Lateral View

Delivery Bed, anterior View

Delivery Bed/Labor bed with head board up, Lateral View


•Quality test on patients

•Specimen Procurement and Preparation.

•Clinical Analysis of multiple specimens, including swaps, feces, urine, sputum.

•Clinical Pathology including hematology.

•Urine Analysis.

•Stool Analysis.

•High level of accuracy.


  • We have a modern X-Ray Machine.

  • Innovative Digital Technology. 

  • High Resolution Image Quality.

  • Powerful Functions with extensive application software.

  • Versatility in image archival options.

  • Great Clinical Value


  • We have the latest ultrasound Technology.

  • Innovative Digital Technology. 

  • High Resolution Image Quality.

  • Powerful Functions with extensive application software.

  • Versatility in image archival options.

  • Great Clinical Value